Welcome to the DHEMS PSA

The Lewisburg Donald H. Eichhorn Middle School (DHEMS) Parent School Association (PSA) is a volunteer organization working to educate, enrich and support the students, staff and administration of our middle school. The efforts of the PSA are seen in the Scholastic book fairs, dances, and fundraising...just to name a few.

Meet our PSA Team:

President: Jennifer Evans

President-Elect: Abby Gulden-Luthi

Treasurer: Sarah Ryu

Secretary: Andrea Featherstone

Book Fair: Eustacia Muir

Dance Chaperones: Lisa Tranquillo

December Dance: Lisa Tranquillo

Directory:  Jamie Synder

Staff Appreciation: Sarah Roupp & Emily Purinton

8th Grade Tees: Jeanne Bernt

8th Grade Pizza Party: Jen Arnold

The DHE Middle School PSA is a volunteer run organization designed to:

1. Foster communication between school and home, primarily through email.
2. Supply volunteers for school activities with sign-ups found on email announcements.
3. Provide financial support to vital student academic, social and arts programs.

The PSA needs to fill the following positions for this school year: 
Fun/Carnival Day
Life Skills & Arts
PSSA Breakfast
Art Show Volunteer Coordinator
Box Tops
Please contact DHEMSLewisburg@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering!

Key Dates:

  • Friday, October 22, 7-9 PM at DHEMS - School Dance
  • Friday, December 10, 7-9 PM at DHEMS - School Dance - Can buy raffle tickets to win great prizes
  • Friday, February 17 or 18, 7-9 PM at High School - School Dance - Mardi Gras
  • Friday, April 8, 7-9 PM at DHEMS - School Dance

Middle School Dance Dates: 
Dances are from 7-9pm. Find the chaperone sign-up genius HERE. Chaperones are asked to come help finish the set-up around 6:45 (maybe a few minutes before that), and to help with the teardown and cleanup at the end. Principal Drozin will teach the expectations for chaperoning at the start of each dance, so parents will feel comfortable being there and know what they’ll need to do.

The Book Fair returns! 
The Scholastic Book Fair will be October 11 - 15, in the LGI.

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