Mission Statement
The school counseling department, in partnership with students, families, and the community, is dedicated to: providing a comprehensive counseling program designed to meet the needs of all students, recognize the uniqueness of each child, and prepare students to become productive, valuable citizens in a diverse society. This will be accomplished by assisting all students to develop competencies in the academic, career, and personal/social domains. It is the mission of the school counselors to advocate for the academic success and well being of each and every student.
Beliefs and Philosophy
As a professional counselor, we believe:
- All students have the ability to learn
- All students have dignity and worth
- All students have a right to a safe, mutually respectful, and supportive environment in which to learn
- All students have the right to be served by a school counseling program and access to a school counselor to discuss academic, career, or personal/social issues
- Each student is a unique individual, who has a right to acceptance and can learn self-development, self-fulfillment, and self-direction
- Student success and learning depends on the collaboration of students, teachers, staff, parents and community members
- All students' ethnic, cultural, and racial differences and special needs are to be considered in the planning and implementation of a quality school counseling program