Comprehensive School Counseling

Our Comprehensive School Counseling Program is based on the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model, which integrates the following domains:

ACADEMIC Development: includes acquiring skills, attitudes and knowledge that contribute to effective learning in school; employing strategies to achieve success in school; and understanding the relationship of academics to the world of work, and to life at home and in the community.

Acquiring skills, attitudes and knowledge that contribute to effective learning in school; employing strategies to achieve success in school; and understanding the relationship of academics to the world of work, and to life at home and in the community.


  • Acquisition of study skills
  • Awareness of educational opportunities
  • Academic preparation for post-secondary options and appropriate course selection
  • Becoming an effective learner in school and across the life-span (lifelong learning)
  • Knowledge of the relationships of academics, work, family, and community life

CAREER Development: goals guide the school counseling program to provide the foundation for the acquisition of skills, attitudes and knowledge that enable students to make a successful transition from school to the world of work and from job to job across the life span. Career development goals and competencies ensure that students develop career goals as a result of their participation in a comprehensive plan of career awareness, exploration and preparation activities.


  • Knowledge of career opportunities, occupational training, and labor market information
  • Investigations of the world of work to make informed decisions
  • Realization of the relationship between personal qualities, education, training, and work
  • Development of an education/career plan

PERSONAL-SOCIAL Development: goals guide the school counseling program to provide the foundation for personal and social growth as students progress through school and into adulthood. Personal/social development contributes to academic and career success by helping students understand and respect themselves and others, acquire effective interpersonal skills, understand safety and survival skills and develop into contributing members of society.


  • Development of a healthy self-concept
  • Interpersonal skills to respect self and others
  • Decision-making, setting goals, and taking action to achieve those goals
  • Understanding everyday safety and survival skills
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